Securly Chromebook Web Filtering
The Chromebook is a learning tool both in the classroom and at home. The partnership between your child’s school and home extends beyond learning reading, writing and arithmetic. Digital citizenship is an important part of today’s world, and helping your student become a positive role model in the digital world is an important part of the WDMCS Chromebook Program. To that end, WDMCS has chosen a web filtering company for the Chromebooks from a company called Securly.
Features of Securly:
- Parents receive weekly emails with web browsing history.
- Phone app with real-time web browsing history and internet controls for the Chromebook at home.
- Push notifications through the phone app for self-harm and cyberbullying notifications.
- Ability to add more or less web filtering restrictions when the device is at home.
- Ability to turn off internet access while the Chromebook is at home.
Getting Started with Securly
There are three ways you can sign in and use the Parent Portal.
- Using the Securly Home phone app
- Search your phone's app store for "Securly Home". Watch this video for a walkthrough of the app.
- Using the student's Activity Report Email
- Each week, parents receive an email from Securly with an overview of what was used in the last week. Look for this email in the inbox of the email you have listed in Infinite Campus.
- Using the Securly website
- Visit > Login > Use the same email address you have listed in Infinite Campus.
Securly Self-Harm/Bullying Notifications
Securly adds extra protection by checking students' web searches. It uses a special algorithm to find searches that might be inappropriate, like those related to violence or nudity. If someone looks up words related to self-harm or cyberbullying, parents/guardians get a quick alert through the Securly Home app. Terms related to self-harm or cyberbullying will trigger an immediate alert to parents via the Securly Home app.
These alerts are generated through the Securly Home app on your cell phone. If you are a user of the Securly Home app and you have notifications allowed, there is nothing more you need to do. If the Securly system detects self-harm activity, you will be notified on your phone. Clicking the notification will take you to the app.
If you currently do not use the app on your smartphone, please follow these instructions:
- Visit the App Store or Google Play on your device and download the “Securly Home” app.
- Once downloaded, log in to the app with the same email address that you receive your weekly web history reports.
- If you are asked about notifications, be sure to choose Allow.
- That’s it!
Securly FAQ:
Do I have to sign up for this Securly service?
Parents are automatically enrolled in this service using on the email address that is listed in Infinite Campus. So to receive this weekly email, you must make sure your email address is current in Infinite Campus. If you are not receiving the email and your email is current in Campus, please and they can assist you.
Can my spouse sign up to receive this email as well?
Yes. If there was only one email address attached to your student inside of Infinite Campus, this is why your spouse is not receiving emails by default. To get your spouse signed up to receive emails, please add the email address to your Parent Portal of Infinite Campus.
How do I opt out of this email?
At the bottom of the email, there is an Unsubscribe button.
I opted out, but now I changed my mind and would like to receive the email.
No problem. Email and let them know that you had unsubscribed and you would like to be added back. Please keep in mind that even without the weekly email, you can still log in to the website or app to control internet settings.
I’m having trouble or am not receiving the email on a weekly basis (and yes, I've checked and it's listed correctly in Campus). Who do I contact?
Parents can contact Securly directly at
What kind of content is blocked on the student chromebooks?
Content is blocked by category. Principals along with Curriculum Directors, make the determination on what categories are blocked or open to students in various grade levels. To see the current Student Technology Permissions, please view this chart which will explain what categories are open and which categories are blocked while on the WDMCS network.