Chromebook Information and FAQs
In WDMCS, every student from PreKindergarten to 12th grade gets a Chromebook for their schoolwork. Chromebooks are popular in schools because they are affordable and work well for all grades. They integrate smoothly with Google tools like Docs, Sheets, and Slides, as well as our Learning Management System, Canvas, making them a great fit for our school district.
When do students receive a device?
PK-6 students turn in their devices at the end of each school year. Grades 7-11 keep their devices
over the summer and return with them in the fall. New students to the district receive their Chromebook from their school library when they begin classes.
My child already has their own laptop. Can they choose to use their own device instead?
Yes, your child can use their own laptop if they already have one. Families can choose to send their personal laptop to school, and students can even use both the school Chromebook and their own device when necessary. However, it's essential to know that some tests, like the Iowa Statewide Assessment of Student Progress (ISASP) and the American College Testing (ACT), require the use of the school Chromebook for security reasons. So, at certain times in the year, each student will need to use the school-issued device.
My child would prefer to just use their own cell phone or tablet. Is this OK?
Many applications and online assessment systems require the use of a full keyboard, so no, a cell phone or tablet would not be a good fit.
Do families have to pay to use the Chromebook?
There are no up front costs associated with the Chromebooks. The school district covers the cost of buying and maintaining Chromebooks. If a device is not returned, then the family will be billed for that cost. Additionally, if a student uses their own personal device, the family is responsible for its cost and any repairs or maintenance.
What happens when something breaks or there’s a problem?
If a student needs help with their Chromebook, they can take it to their classroom teacher or school librarian, who will guide them on where to get assistance. All schools have extra Chromebooks available, so even if a student's device is being repaired, they can use a spare one. This way, there's no reason for a student to be without a Chromebook, even if theirs is being fixed.
When school is not in session, such as Summer or Winter break, support can be requested from the tech department directly by using this form.
When might families need to pay for damage to the Chromebook?
If a device is broken, the district will try to fix it using the warranty and accidental damage insurance, which is paid for by the district. Families may need to pay for damages in these situations:
- If the Chromebook is lost (insurance doesn't cover losing it).
- If it's intentionally damaged.
- If it's damaged many times in a short period, the insurance might not cover it. For instance, a Chromebook turned in for a damaged screen four weeks in a row might be denied by the insurance company.
What are the replacement costs for the Chromebooks?
Chromebook Full Replacement: $346 or the actual cost of replacement at the time of the damage.
Chromebook Case Replacement: $22 or the actual cost of replacement at the time of damage or if lost.
Chromebook Charger Replacement: $22 or the actual cost of replacement at the time of the damage or if lost.
Can students print from their Chromebook at school?
Printing rules, such as if it's allowed and how much, depend on each school. To know more about your school's policies, ask your child's teacher or librarian.
Can students connect the devices to their home WiFi or to any other WiFi besides school?
Yes, students are able to connect and access other wireless networks outside of school including their homes, friend's homes, and public wifi.
Even without Internet access, Chromebooks still have the ability to use the traditional Google tools offline, such as writing in Google Docs or preparing presentations in Google Slides. Chromebooks also have an offline feature where students can download work ahead of time so they can work offline.