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Health Services

The Role of the School Nurse

Our school nurses provide an essential resource to our students, families, and staff. What do they do each day? The list is long, but here are a few highlights:

  • Assess student health symptoms and determine if a student should remain at school, go home, and/or be seen by a physician.
  • Manage students' medication.
  • Provide health screenings and referrals to family health care providers.
  • Track student immunization requirements and coordinate other state health requirements.
  • Educate students on disease prevention and other general health topics.
Human Growth and Development

Parent/guardians may review human growth and development materials by contacting the school principal. Additionally, they may have their children removed from human growth and development instruction by providing a written request to the school principal.

School Nurses By Building

Laura Mears, Manager of Blank Nurses at WDMCS 

View Nurses' Schedule

Health Forms and Fact Sheets

Health Screenings

Illness Guidelines

If your child gets sick or hurt at school, the school nurse or someone else from the school will call you. Make sure your emergency contact information is correct and updated. If they can't reach a parent, they'll call others listed in the emergency form. Please pick up your child within one hour after being called, unless you've talked to the school nurse or administrator and made different plans.