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Cancellations and Closings

We commit to keep students, families, and staff safe during extreme weather conditions. When weather-related school closings, delays, and cancellations occur, we will keep the community informed in a timely manner.

When school must be canceled, delayed or dismissed because of weather conditions or other emergencies, the Communications Department works to inform district families and staff in a timely manner. There are many opportunities each year for families to provide and confirm their contact information to ensure they receive communications about cancellations, delays and closings in the way that works best for each family.

A decision to delay or cancel school is normally made by 5:45 a.m. A decision to cancel school AFTER a decision had already been made to delay is normally made by 7 a.m. A decision to dismiss early is normally made by 11 a.m.

Cancellations and Closings FAQ

How to Update Your Contact Info. for Alerts