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Student Screening

Teachers, parent/guardians, or students can start the process to find gifted students in the WDMCS Gifted/Talented Program anytime during the school year. Students in grades K-12 can be recognized for different services based on their abilities in general intellect, specific academic areas, creative thinking, visual or performing arts, and leadership.

The committee that decides which students need extra help in the Gifted/Talented (GT) Program meets three times a year. They look at different information to make this decision, such as surveys from parents and teachers, a questionnaire from the student, CogAT and Iowa Assessments scores, and other relevant data chosen by the GT team.

In the WDMCS, thorough screening happens in third and sixth grades. Keep an eye out for more details during the school year. If you want to start the process, contact the GT teacher at your student's school.

The WDMCS is working to improve screening tools that consider diverse backgrounds, including culture and language, different economic situations, and students with disabilities.

If a student has screening scores from another school, the district will use those to decide if the student needs services in the WDMCS GT Program.

Parents/Guardians or Family

First, read "Parent/Guardian Information: What to Consider When Identifying a Gifted Child." Afterward, complete the survey if you want your student to be considered for the WDMCS Gifted/Talented (GT) Program. Make sure to follow the instructions carefully before starting the survey.

What to Consider When Identifying a Gifted Student

Parent/Guardian Survey

Encuesta Para Los Padres/Tutores


If you're in grades K-6, go to the GT teacher in your school to fill out the student survey. If you're in grades 7-12, visit the GT teacher in your school to schedule an interview.

Student Survey


Please fill out the below survey to have a student screened for the WDMCS Gifted/Talented (GT) Program.

WDMCS Teacher Survey