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Gifted and Talented

The Gifted/Talented Program identifies and supports students who have exceptional abilities, talents, and the potential to perform at a high level. These students may need special accommodations to meet their educational needs. Outstanding abilities can be found in all ethnic and cultural groups, across different economic backgrounds, and in students with disabilities (known as twice-exceptional). Gifted students excel in areas like general intellectual ability, specific academic skills in core subjects, creative thinking, visual or performing arts, and leadership.

Program Goals

The WDMCS Gifted/Talented Team

  • will use different ways to find gifted students and understand what they need.
  • will create programs to help gifted students with their different needs.
  • will teach all staff how to support advanced learners by offering learning opportunities.

Student Standards and Outcomes

We created Student Standards and Outcomes to match three things: the National Association of Gifted Children (NAGC) PreK-12 Gifted Programming Standards, the Autonomous Learner Model Dimensions, and Iowa Core Universal Constructs. These standards help gifted students learn better when they work with a Gifted/Talented Specialist.

Gifted and Talented Team