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Dual Language Spanish Immersion

Un día en la vida de un estudiante: El programa de inmersión en español de dos idiomas


The Dual Language Program at West Des Moines Community Schools is designed to:

  • Have a strong curriculum that follows standards.
  • Help students do well in both English and Spanish.
  • Create a diverse and excellent learning environment.

We believe that every student brings unique experiences and skills to school. Sharing these enriches the classroom and school.   

In the Dual Language Spanish Immersion program, students learn half the time in English and half in Spanish. About half of the students speak Spanish as their first language, and the rest speak other languages.

La descripción general

La Programa de Doble Lengua del Distrito Escolar de la Comunidad de West Des Moines es: 

  • un plan de estudios sólido, basado en estándares, 
  • promueva un alto rendimiento académico en inglés y español 
  • un entorno que abarque la diversidad y se esfuerce por la excelencia. 

Creemos que todos los estudiantes llegan a la escuela con un conjunto de experiencias y habilidades únicas que, cuando se comparten con otros, enriquecen los entornos sociales, culturales y educativos del salón de clases y la escuela. 

Aproximadamente la mitad de los estudiantes provienen de entornos españoles y la mitad de entornos de inglés y otros idiomas. Los estudiantes pasan la mitad de su día aprendiendo contenido en español y la otra mitad aprendiendo en inglés.

Contact Us

Western Hills Elementary
600 39th St., West Des Moines

Jenna Pressley
Western Hills Elementary Principal

Eddy Cisneros
Spanish Family Engagement Specialist

Requesting Participation

Families can show they're interested in the program when they enroll online in WDMCS. Students are chosen based on when they enroll and their home language. The goal is to have a class with 50% native Spanish speakers and 50% from other language backgrounds. If there are more students interested, they keep a waiting list. They make enrollment decisions in this order:

  1. Students who live in the Western Hills school area.
  2. Students who have siblings already in the program.
  3. All other students enrolling with WDMCS.

They decide about program placement when they open kindergarten enrollment. Students and families picked for the program will get a call to confirm their spot.