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Home School Assistance Program/Dual Enrollment


The WDMCS Home School Assistance Program (HSAP) has been helping families educate their children at home since the early 1990s. The program's goal is to support and assist parents/guardians who take on the main role of teaching their children.

Visit HSAP Website


Some families decide to teach their children at home instead of sending them to a regular public or private school. This is called homeschooling. Families do this for different reasons. In Iowa, there are several ways to homeschool.

Enrollment and Resources

Tami Prescott
Home Schooling Coordinator

Carol Kramer
Supervising Teacher/Technology Contact


To enroll in Home School and/or Dual Enroll, families must complete online enrollment.

New Families
Enroll in Home School and/or Dual Enrollment

Returning Families
Complete annual HOMESCHOOL online enrollmenT AND/OR DUAL ENROLLMENt

Download 2024-25 HSAP Handbook