Public Records Requests
The Board of Education acknowledges the public's right to access non-confidential information and aims to share relevant details through its public relations program promptly and in compliance with the law.
Public records of the school district are available for public viewing at the administration offices during regular business hours, which are 8 a.m. to 12 p.m. and 1 p.m. to 4:30 p.m., Monday through Friday, excluding holidays.
Individuals interested in viewing the school district's public records should contact the Board secretary to make viewing arrangements. The Board secretary will facilitate record viewing as soon as possible, depending on the request's nature.
Requests for copies of public records can be made via phone, in writing, or electronically. Those seeking copies may incur fees for the time spent compiling information and for document copies. The school district may require pre-payment for the costs before compiling, copying, and mailing the requested records.
In accordance with Iowa law, the Board designates certain records related to security and emergency preparedness, developed and maintained by the school district for the protection of students, employees, and visitors, as confidential. This classification is to prevent potential harm to individuals or property. These confidential records encompass security plans, emergency protocols, evacuation procedures, security codes, technology documentation, vulnerability assessments, and records whose disclosure could heighten the vulnerability of critical systems or infrastructures to attacks.
Board Secretary
Katie Scheller