Annual Notices
State and Federal regulations, as well as some district policies, require the district to annually post certain notifications to the public. Please reference this list of annual notices.
- Abuse of Students by District Employees
- Access to Public Information
- Access to Student Records
- Anti-Bullying and Harassment
- Asbestos Containing Material
- Career and Technical Education Non-Discrimination Statement
- Citizen Complaints
- Corporal Punishment
- Equal Educational Opportunities
- Equity Statement
- Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA)
- Fees
- Handbooks
- Youth Experiencing Homelessness
- Iowa Eligibility for Free and Reduced Meals
- Open Enrollment
- Physical Restraint and Seclusion of Students
- Return-to-Learn
- Search and Seizure
- Section 504
- Special Education Services
- Student Wellness
Abuse of Students by District Employees
Chapter 102 of the Iowa Code covers procedures for charging and investigating incidents of abuse of students by school employees. Individuals who would like to file a complaint should contact Dr. Nora E. Ryan, district appointed investigator.
Access to Public Information
Board Policy 901.02: Access to Public Information
"The Board of Education recognizes the public’s right of access to information not of a confidential nature. Through its public relations program, West Des Moines Community Schools (WDMCS) intends to provide public information on pertinent topics in a timely manner, in accordance with law."
Access to Student Records
Board Policy 506.03: Student Records
"When each student first enters school, the West Des Moines Community School District initiates a set of individual records. The Board of Directors has authorized the collection of certain basic data such as name, family information, birth date and place, schools attended, school grade and extra-curricular activities."
Board Policy 501.16: Homeless Children and Youth
"West Des Moines Community Schools (WDMCS) believes all students should have access to a free, appropriate public education. WDMCS will ensure that homeless children and youth have equal/equitable access to the same free, appropriate public education as other children and youth."
Board Policy 506.03: Use of Records and Student Rosters
"When each student first enters school, the West Des Moines Community School District initiates a set of individual records. The Board of Directors has authorized the collection of certain basic data such as name, family information, birth date and place, schools attended, school grade and extra-curricular activities. Each year, certain standardized academic tests are given to students depending on their grade level, and these test scores are recorded. During the year, some tests may be given in the programs for reading, mathematics, science and social studies and placed in the cumulative file. These records are used by school personnel to help provide the best educational program for every student. Student records containing personally identifiable information will be kept confidential as required by state and federal law."
Board Policy 604.05: Procedural Safeguards and Record Keeping for Special Education
"The Board of Education recognizes that parents and their children living with a disability have certain rights which are protected under the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act, as amended, and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 or other applicable law. Among these are the rights (1) to a free and appropriate education; (2) to inspect student records; (3) to have written notice of plans to identify, evaluate or place; (4) to consent or withhold consent to allow identification, evaluation or initial placement or continued special education and related service; (5) to an impartial due-process hearing; (6) to a surrogate parent when necessary; (7) to a multi-disciplinary evaluation; and (8) to confidentiality in accordance with law. "
Anti-Bullying and Harassment
WDMCS Board Policy 502.02: Equal Educational Opportunities: Prohibition of Discrimination, Harassment, and Sexual Misconduct Toward Students
"No student in the West Des Moines Community School District will be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be subjected to discrimination in District programs or activities on the basis of student’s actual or perceived age, race, color, creed, national origin, sex, physical or mental ability or disability, religion, sexual orientation, gender identity, marital status, physical attributes, ancestry, political party preference, political belief, socioeconomic status or familial status in accordance with applicable law. The policy of the District is to provide equal educational programs, activities, and opportunities for students as needed on the basis of individual needs, interests, abilities, and potential."
Asbestos Containing Material
Board Policy 804.01: Asbestos Containing Material
"Friable and nonfriable materials will be maintained in good condition and appropriate precautions will be followed when the material is disturbed. If there is a need to remove materials, they will be replaced with nonasbestos containing materials. Each school building will maintain a copy of the asbestos management plan and related records.
The district will annually (or as otherwise required by law) notify, appoint and/or train appropriate employees regarding materials as necessary."
Career and Technical Education Non-Discrimination Statement
West Des Moines Community Schools offers career and technical programs in the following service areas:
- Applied Science, Technology, Engineering, and Manufacturing
- Business, Finance, Marketing, and Management
- Health Science
- Human Services
West Des Moines Community Schools (WDMCS) does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, disability, religion, creed, age (for employment), marital status, sexual orientation, gender identity, genetic information, and socioeconomic status in its educational programs and its employment practices.
Non-Discrimination and Title IX
Citizen Complaints
Board Policy 213.05: General Complaints by Citizens
"The Board recognizes that concerns regarding the operation of the school district will arise. The Board further believes that constructive criticism can assist in improving the quality of the education program and in meeting individual student needs more effectively."
Board Policy 906.01: Complaints Concerning School Personnel
"Whenever a citizen is aggrieved at the action of any employee, concerns should first be expressed directly with that employee. If the issue is not resolved, concerns should be discussed with the employee’s immediate supervisor."
Corporal Punishment
Board Policy 503.02: Employee Physical Contact with a Student and Employee Use of Reasonable Force with a Student
"The use of corporal punishment, mechanical restraint and/or prone restraint is prohibited in all schools. Corporal punishment is defined as the intentional physical punishment of a student. It includes the use of unreasonable or unnecessary physical force or physical contact made with the intent to harm or cause pain."
Equal Educational Opportunities
Board Policy 502.02: Equal Educational Opportunities: Prohibition of Discrimination, Harassment, Bullying, and Sexual Misconduct Towards Students
"No student in the West Des Moines Community School District will be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be subjected to discrimination in District programs or activities on the basis of student’s actual or perceived age, race, color, creed, national origin, sex, physical or mental ability or disability, religion, sexual orientation, gender identity, marital status, physical attributes, ancestry, political party preference, political belief, socioeconomic status or familial status in accordance with applicable law. The policy of the District is to provide equal educational programs, activities, and opportunities for students as needed on the basis of individual needs, interests, abilities, and potential."
Equity Statement
Board Policy 101.02: Equity Statement
"The West Des Moines Community School District does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, disability, religion, creed, age (for employment), marital status, sexual orientation, gender identity, genetic information, and socioeconomic status in its educational programs and its employment practices. There is a grievance procedure for processing complaints of discrimination. If you have questions or a grievance related to this policy, please contact the district’s Equity Coordinator, Dr. Dau Jok, Executive Director of Diversity, Equityand Inclusion, 3550 Mills Civic Parkway, West Des Moines, IA 50265; Phone: 515-633-5040; E-mail (Adherence to bona fide occupational/ educational qualifications will not be interpreted as discriminatory.)"
Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA)
"The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) (20 U.S.C. § 1232g; 34 CFR Part 99) is a Federal law that protects the privacy of student education records. The law applies to all schools that receive funds under an applicable program of the U.S. Department of Education.
FERPA gives parents certain rights with respect to their children's education records. These rights transfer to the student when he or she reaches the age of 18 or attends a school beyond the high school level. Students to whom the rights have transferred are 'eligible students.'"
View more FERPA details
Board Policy 503.03: Fines, Fees, Charges
"The Board believes students should respect school district property and assist in its preservation for future use by others. Students may be assessed fines for damage or loss to school property, overdue school materials, or monetary penalties for violations of school parking regulations.
Students may be charged fees for textbooks, certain school supplies, certain course offerings and activities, discretionary transportation to and from school, and other items to the extent such fees are permitted by law."
Youth Experiencing Homelessness
Board Policy 501.16: Homeless Children and Youth
"West Des Moines Community Schools (WDMCS) believes all students should have access to a free, appropriate public education. WDMCS will ensure that homeless children and youth have equal/equitable access to the same free, appropriate public education as other children and youth.
The term “homeless children and youth” means an individual who lacks a fixed, regular, and adequate nighttime residence. The term includes:
- Children and youth who are:
- Sharing the housing of other persons due to loss of housing, economic hardship, or a similar reason (sometimes referred to as “doubled up);
- Living in motels, hotels, trailer parks, or camping grounds due to lack of alternative adequate accommodations;
- Living in emergency or transitional shelters; or
- Abandoned in hospitals.
- Children and youth who have a primary nighttime residence that is a public or private place not designed for, or ordinarily used as, a regular sleeping accommodation for human beings;
- Children and youth who are living in cars, parks, public spaces, abandoned buildings, substandard housing, bus or train stations, or similar settings; and
- Migratory children who qualify as homeless because they are living in circumstances described above."
Iowa Eligibility for Free and Reduced Meals
The WDMCS provides all district students an Iowa Eligibility application at registration time. It is also provided online for your convenience. If you meet the guidelines below, please submit your confidential application to WDMCS Nutrition Services online or in print. Only one application per household is required.
View income guidelines
Student Fee Waiver
If you qualify for free and reduced-price meals, you may also be eligible to have student fees waived or partially waived. Families who qualify for a waiver should fill out the online waiver form or contact their building principal for a waiver form. This waiver must be completed annually.
Access Student Fee Waiver Form
Board Policy 709.01 Child Nutrition Program
"School food service facilities are provided to serve students and all school personnel when school is in session and during school-related activities. Facilities may also be used under the supervision of the Director of Nutrition Services and/or their designees for providing food service in accordance with applicable law and Board Policy to:
- Teacher or other school personnel groups
- Parent-teacher meetings
- Civic organization meetings for the purpose of better understanding the schools
- Senior citizens.
The Child Nutrition Program will be under the supervision of the Director of Nutrition Services who will establish and maintain a central record system; prepare menus and recipes; develop standards; initiate purchasing; recommend personnel for employment promotion or dismissal; and conduct in-service training programs."
Board Policy 709.02 Meal Charges
"In accordance with state and federal law, West Des Moines Community Schools (WDMCS) adopts the following policy to ensure School District employees, families, and students have a shared understanding of expectations regarding meal charges. The policy seeks to allow students to receive the nutrition they need to stay focused during the school day, prevent the overt identification of students with insufficient funds to pay for school meals, and maintain the financial integrity of the nonprofit school nutrition program. "
Open Enrollment
The Open Enrollment law permits parent/guardians in one district to request open enrollment in another district based on Iowa code. The application is made to a school district, not a specific school in that district. However, the parent or guardian may request a school. Additional information is available at the Iowa Department of Education.
Board Policy 501.01: Resident Students
"Resident students are those students who are actual residents of the district. Actual residence is determined from the facts of each circumstance. District officials may require students and their families to provide proof of residency within the district. In the absence of information to the contrary, district officials may assume that students seeking enrollment are residents of the district unless application is made under open enrollment provisions. Open enrollment students are not considered resident students when counting students for certified enrollment."
Board Policy 501.02: Nonresident Students
"Qualified students who are not legal residents of this district may be admitted to school at the discretion of the Superintendent upon application and payment of tuition or upon application and acceptance under open enrollment. The tuition fee will be the current cost per pupil of this district, as determined by the Iowa Department of Education.
Requests for exemption of tuition in special cases will be investigated by the Superintendent and reviewed by the Board of Education.
Pupils moving from another school district into the West Des Moines Community School District will not be permitted to continue to attend their former home school at the expense of the West Des Moines Community School District except as provided under the provisions of the open enrollment law."
Physical Restraint and Seclusion of Students
Board Policy 503.04: Physical Restraint and Seclusion of Students
"It is the goal of the district that all students can learn and grow in a safe and peaceful environment that nurtures the student and models respect for oneself and others. On occasion, trained district employees and others may have to use behavior management interventions, physical restraint and/or seclusion of students. The goal of these interventions is to promote the dignity, care, safety, welfare and security of each child and the school community. With this objective in mind, the district will prioritize the use of the least restrictive behavioral interventions appropriate for the situation."
The Iowa Department of Education (IDOE) requires public school districts to create a Return-to-Learn plan for the school year. This plan must be approved by the WDMCS Board of Education and reviewed every six months. Revised plans require Board approval, but if the plans do not change, then Board approval is not required. WDMCS considers federal, state, and local health authorities’ COVID-19 guidance when updating our Return-to-Learn plan.
Search and Seizure
Board Policy 502.09: Search and Seizure
"School officials may, without a search warrant, search a student, student lockers, student desks, student backpacks (or any other container used by a student for holding or carrying personal belongings of any kind), student work areas, student electronic devices, or student automobiles to maintain order and discipline in the schools, promote the educational environment and protect the safety and welfare of students, school personnel and others on school premises or at school-sponsored activities. School authorities may seize any illegal, unauthorized or contraband materials discovered in the search. The district will make a reasonable effort to notify parents/guardians prior to searching a student’s electronic device. "
Section 504
Board Policy 604.09: Grievance Procedure – Students with Disabilities (Section 504)
"Students living with a disability and their parents or guardians have the right to file a formal complaint alleging discrimination under Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 regarding the identification, evaluation, or educational placement of the student."
Special Education Services
Board Policy 604.01: Special Education Services
"The Board of Education recognizes some students have different educational needs than other students. All eligible children between birth and until the appropriate education is completed, age twenty-one or to maximum age allowable, as defined in the Code of Iowa and Individuals With Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) as amended, will be provided a free and appropriate public education program and related services in accordance with the special education rules and regulations of the Iowa Department of Education. The school district will work in conjunction with Heartland Area Education Agency (AEA) to provide services at the earliest appropriate time to children with disabilities from birth through age 3. This will be done to ensure a smooth transition for children entitled to early childhood special education services. Students requiring special education will attend general education classes, participate in nonacademic and extracurricular services and activities, and receive services in a general education setting to the maximum extent appropriate to the needs of each individual student. The appropriate education for each student will be written in the student’s Individualized Education Program (IEP)."
Student Wellness
Board Policy 608.01: Student Wellness
"West Des Moines Community Schools (WDMCS), in partnership with the community, is concerned about nutrition and education awareness, responsible eating habits, physical activity, and childhood obesity. The entire school environment, not the classroom, will positively influence a student’s understanding, beliefs, and habits as they relate to good nutrition and regular physical activity. In trying to address the issues that underlie the soaring rates of childhood obesity, the following recommendations, guidelines, and goals are intended to provide:
- healthy food and beverage options to our students through WDMCS' nutrition services program,
- nutrition education that enables students to make healthy decisions about their eating habits,
- physical activity that embraces a healthy lifestyle, and
- access to healthy nutritional food and beverage options throughout the school day."